Fareast Holdings Ltd

Noksha Furniture Ltd

About Noksha Furniture Ltd
  • Company Name: Noksha Furniture Ltd.

  • Managing Director: Khandakar Mostaque Mahmud.

  • Nature of Business: Wood Based Industry.

  • Year of Establishment: 2010

  • Manpower: 150

  • Company Slogan: All About Design.

  • Factory Location: hikalbaha, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

  • Products: Solid Wooden Flooring, Decking, Paneling, Molding, Outdoor/Indoor Furniture & Doors.

  • Specialized in:Outdoor/Garden Furniture, Decorative Sliced Veneer, Wooden Flooring.

History Of Noksha Furniture Ltd.

Noksha Furniture Limited started its journey in collaboration with its sister concern “Quality Agro Forestry Limited (QAFL)‿Quality Agro Forestry Limited exporting 100% of its production to various countries like Japan, UK, Italy, USA, France etc.

Due to local demand and to display the quality products exported and accepted worldwide, Quality Ago Forestry Limited introducing its products through its brand concern Noksha Furniture limited for the first time in Bangladesh.

All About Design" slogan of Noksha Furniture Limited. Design is the symbol of artistry and main part of the furniture. A proper design makes furniture complete and acceptable. Noksha furniture limited is such type of Aristocrat name where they think customer priority and their expectation. Noksha Furniture limited is dedicatedly working in design accepted worldwide and introducing to the local market.

Noksha Furniture Limited is the only manufacturer of 100% Solid Wooden Floor, Garden /Outdoor furniture and furniture which is simple but elegant in design.

Our Achievement:
  • The Financial mirror Business award and export promotion trophy, 2007-2008.

  • Bangladesh Business Journal Society Award -2008.

  • The Best Businessman award -2008.

Our Participation worldwide:
  • IFFT Japan (Tokyo) -2006 as exhibitor.

  • IFFT Japan (Tokyo) – 2009 as exhibitor.

  • Thailand Fair as visitor from Bangladesh.

  • Brand Furniture Fair 2011, Dhaka-Bangladesh.

  • BACE Expo 2011, Dhaka-Bangladesh.

  • ARCHEXPO-2013 Dhaka- Bangladesh.